Deferral Information

St. Francis Xavier University recognizes that after being admitted you may experience circumstances that may warrant a request to defer your admission. If you are unable to start in the term you were admitted, you may be eligible to defer your acceptance, on a one-time basis, to a future term up to a maximum of one year from your original start term.  In order to defer, you must also have confirmed your seat in your program by way of submitting your confirmation payment and we must have received your final transcript.

If you have been accepted into one of the following programs, you will not be able to defer, and will need to re-apply for the next admission cycle:

  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Applied Forensic Psychology
  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Accelerated 2-Year
  • LPN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing 
  • Masters of Applied Computer Science

Key Dates and Deadlines:

  • The deadline to defer your admissions for the September term will be approximately 4 weeks prior to the first day of classes, the exact date will be posted here.
  • The deadline to defer your admissions for the January term will be approximately 4 weeks prior to the first day of classes, the exact date will be posted here.


Admissions Information

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5