Carla Ruthes Coelho

Bachelor_Education-Carla RC

Carla Ruthes Coelho

Assistant Professor -Teacher Education & Curriculum & Leadership
Campus Location
Coady 272

Carla Ruthes Coelho is a Brazilian educator and Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Education at Western University. She started her career as a language teacher in Brazil, completing her teaching education program at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In Brazil, Carla worked with learners at the elementary, secondary, and undergraduate levels. In Canada since 2014, she became involved in the field of early childhood education as an advocate and as an ECE. 


Her research interests revolve around the areas of literacies, curriculum, dissident subjectivities and identities, and early childhood education. Her current research analyses the treatment of gender and sexual identities within Canadian Early Learning Frameworks through a social justice and a gender expansive lens.


Heydon, R., McKee, L., Akiwenzie, E., Cooper, E., Johns, B., McKenzie, P., Poczobut, S., Ruthes Coelho, C., Viczko, M., & Zhang, Z. (under review). Embedded professional learning to support critical reading praxes in teacher education: The reading pedagogies of equity pilot curriculum. Teaching and Teacher Education. 

Heydon, R. & Ruthes Coelho, C. (in press) Curriculum and Identity Options. In. R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, & G. Smith (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Ed). [book chapter]. Elsevier.  

Hennessy, S., Agarwal, M., Ruthes Coelho, C., de Castro, A. (2022). PumpKin. In D. Conrad & S. Wiebe. (Eds.), Educational fabulations: Teaching and learning for a world yet to come. [book chapter]. Springer International Publishing. ISBN-13: 9783030938260 

Heydon, R., Akiwenzie, E., Cooper, E., Ghannoum, H., Havord-Wier, D., Johns, B., MacAlpine, KA., McKee, L., Nagle, J., Neeganagwedgin, E., Pawlick-Potts, D., Poczobut, S., Ruthes Coelho, C., Stooke, A., Tran, A., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Virtual guidelines for earlyON & family centres: early childhood development and learning (Report for the City of London). Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as Social Practice. Faculty of Education, Western University.